Meet Our Board-Certified Pain Medicine DoctorsFeb 04, 2025When you’re in pain, you have no time or energy to spare for inadequate care, which is why you should seek physicians who are board certified in pain management. Here’s a look at how our doctors excel in relieving pain.Continue reading →
The Importance of Seeking Pain Relief from Qualified and Experienced PhysiciansJan 09, 2025When it comes to specializations, pain management is an incredibly important and complex branch of medicine. So when your pain relief is at stake, you want to see a doctor who’s trained specifically in this field.Continue reading →
The Benefits of PRP for Sports InjuriesJan 09, 2025While no one likes to be injured, athletes especially hate to be sidelined by musculoskeletal problems. The good news is that we can get you off the bench more quickly with platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy.Continue reading →
What to Expect During and After Your Discseel® Procedure Dec 11, 2024If you’re exploring the different options for relieving your chronic back or neck pain, we want to introduce you to the innovative and minimally invasive Discseel® procedure, which we describe in greater detail here.Continue reading →
Can Physical Therapy Help Resolve My Recurrent Sciatica for Good?Dec 11, 2024You’re no stranger to the singular pain that comes with sciatica and you just want to put the recurrent condition in your rearview mirror. Physical therapy is one of the best steps you can take toward that goal.Continue reading →
Is It Possible to Reverse Diabetic Neuropathy?Nov 08, 2024November is National Diabetes Month, so it’s a good time to raise awareness about one of the disease’s most common complications — peripheral neuropathy. Is this nerve damage irreversible? Let’s take a look.Continue reading →
What You Want to Look for in Pain Management DoctorsNov 06, 2024These days it seems like your pain is having the final say in everything you do, but you want to take back control of your life. A great pain management doctor can help you break free from your pain.Continue reading →
3 Tips for Finding the Best Pain Clinic in ArizonaOct 16, 2024Pain has a way of becoming the center of your world and you’re tired of having everything in your life overshadowed by discomfort. Here are some tips to get on the best road to meaningful pain relief here in Arizona.Continue reading →
Compression Fracture Treatment: Is Kyphoplasty a Permanent Fix?Oct 09, 2024Over time, vertebral compression fractures in your back can become quite painful, to say nothing of the physical changes in your appearance. Kyphoplasty is a great solution and one that really goes the distance.Continue reading →
6 Causes of Shoulder Pain and How We Can Help You Wave Goodbye to the DiscomfortSep 20, 2024Shoulders are joints that you don’t really give much thought to until they’re in pain. Then, you become painfully aware of how much you rely on them. If you’re dealing with shoulder pain, read on to learn more. Continue reading →
Is Spinal Cord Stimulation Permanent?Sep 07, 2024You’re dealing with chronic pain and you want a solution that works best for you without having to undergo major surgery. If this sounds like you, spinal cord stimulation (SCS) might be just the solution you’re looking for.Continue reading →
How Spinal Stenosis Can Cause Shock-Like Back PainAug 08, 2024You get out of bed and, when you stand up, the effort is met with sudden and shock-like pain in your back that sometimes travels down into your buttocks and leg. The culprit could be lumbar spinal stenosis (LSS). Continue reading →
Innovative Solutions for Chronic Back Pain: What Interventional Pain Specialists RecommendAug 07, 2024Americans are no strangers to back pain, which is the leading cause of disability in the United States. The good news is that there are several innovative techniques with which we can turn this disability around. Continue reading →
5 Risk Factors That Can Lead to a Herniated DiscJul 31, 2024Back pain of any kind is no picnic, but a herniated disc is a special kind of discomfort that you’d do well to avoid. To help with this goal, it pays to know what the top risk factors are for herniated discs, which we review here. Continue reading →
Targeting Back Pain with Discseel® — Is This Innovative Procedure Right for You?Jul 10, 2024One of the most well-traveled roads to back pain is paved with damaged discs in the spine. If you’re dealing with back pain due to degenerating discs, we offer a cutting-edge technique that repairs disc(s) — Discseel®.Continue reading →
4 Horrible Habits That Impact Your Lower BackJun 07, 2024There’s nothing like back pain to really ruin your day. There are many different roads to back pain, which affects millions of Americans, and some of your habits may be contributing to the problem.Continue reading →
4 Best Practices for Dealing with Recurrent SciaticaMay 06, 2024When it comes to back pain, sciatica is singular, and not just confined to your back. Here are some great strategies that go a long way toward preventing sciatica from becoming a chronic condition.Continue reading →
Epidural Injections — A Front-Line Treatment for Lower Back PainApr 10, 2024You've been sidelined by back pain and you just want to move again without wincing. When lower back pain strikes, one of our first weapons is an epidural injection, which can bring you much-needed relief.Continue reading →
Managing Neuropathy with Spinal Cord StimulationMar 22, 2024You’re struggling with nerve damage that’s making your life uncomfortable, if not downright painful. One potential road to relief is through spinal cord stimulation (SCS), which we dive into here.Continue reading →
4 Spinal Health Benefits of the Discseel® Procedure Feb 02, 2024Damaged discs in the spine are responsible for more than their fair share of back and neck pain. If you want a safe and effective solution for problematic discs, Discseel® offers up some amazing advantages.Continue reading →
PRP Therapy for Arthritis: What to ExpectJan 04, 2024Like millions of others, your life is changing — not in a good way — thanks to arthritis, and you just want to get back to moving without wincing. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) might play an important role in this effort.Continue reading →
With Radiculopathy, Spine Symptoms Can Occur Far From Your SpineDec 02, 2023You’re experiencing pain, numbness, and/or tingling in your hands, or maybe in your feet, and you wonder what’s causing the problem. The answer may lie as far away as your spine if there’s radiculopathy. Continue reading →
Is Kyphoplasty a Good Solution for Your Compression Fractures?Nov 02, 2023On an annual basis, Americans generally incur up to 1.5 million vertebral compression fractures. One of the frontline treatments for these fractures is kyphoplasty, which excels for many reasons, which we review here. Continue reading →
6 Effective Treatment Options for Joint Pain and InflammationOct 01, 2023Certain joints in your body are showing signs of wear and tear, and moving around is becoming more uncomfortable. If you’re trying to figure out how to handle joint pain and inflammation, read on.Continue reading →
The Role of Radiofrequency Ablation in Relieving Back PainSep 01, 2023Like millions of others, you’re struggling with debilitating pain in your low back. Also like millions of others, you’re trying to find the best solution for relieving the pain. It might be time to check out radiofrequency ablation.Continue reading →
5 Ways to Prevent (or Better Manage) a Sciatica Flare-UpAug 02, 2023Whether or not you’ve had sciatica in the past, we can assure you that this is one condition best avoided. Here, we look at early signs of sciatica and how prompt action can prevent a flare-up.Continue reading →
5 Key Benefits of Spinal Cord StimulationJul 02, 2023If you want a solution for chronic pain that won’t end up adding to your overall problem, spinal cord stimulation could be just what you need. To get you started, we’ve assembled five key benefits of this innovative technology.Continue reading →
Put an End to Your Herniated Disc Pain with Our Discseel ProcedureJun 01, 2023In the past, healing a herniated disc often came down to rest, gritting your teeth, and some over-the-counter medications. We now have a much better solution with Discseel®, a quick outpatient procedure that can heal your disc and relieve your pain. Continue reading →
5 Best Practices for Managing ArthritisMay 01, 2023The joint pain and inflammation that come with arthritis can cast a long shadow over your life. However, if you follow a few best practices, you can take the teeth out of the problem and lead a happier and more active life.Continue reading →
PRP: A Game-changer for Arthritic JointsApr 14, 2023Are you tired of being a prisoner to achy and stiff joints due to arthritis? Through regenerative medicine therapies, such as platelet-rich plasma (PRP) therapy, we’re finding ways to rebuild damaged joints.Continue reading →
The Benefits of Spinal Cord Stimulation for Relieving PainMar 15, 2023Are you exhausted and frustrated with trying to find the best solution for relieving your chronic pain? If you want to explore a pain relief option that’s short on risk and long on relief, read on to learn more about spinal cord stimulation.Continue reading →
Struggling with Knee Pain? Consider ViscosupplementationFeb 15, 2023At first, your knees ached only once in a while. Now, you’re struggling with daily knee pain that's placing considerable limits on your life and shrinking your world. It might be time to consider viscosupplementation. Continue reading →
Myths and Facts About Epidural Steroid InjectionsJan 19, 2023Certain types of chronic pain respond well to epidural steroid injections. If you’re exploring options for pain relief, find out if you’re a good candidate for this minimally-invasive option. Continue reading →
Common Causes of Hand PainSep 08, 2022Maybe you’re one of the lucky people who haven’t had to deal with hand pain. But even so, you can easily imagine what your day would be like — all the things you would struggle to do — if you couldn’t use your hand.Continue reading →
The Link Between Your Diet and ArthritisSep 08, 2022In the fight to ease arthritis pain and slow progressive joint damage, one of your best weapons is your diet. How can food make a difference? By increasing or reducing inflammation.Continue reading →
The Difference Between Arthritis and BursitisSep 08, 2022At first glance, arthritis and bursitis seem similar. They’re two of the most common joint problems. They both involve inflammation, cause joint pain, and affect your ability to use the joint.Continue reading →
Will an Epidural Injection Reduce My Lower Back Pain?Sep 02, 2022You may have heard about epidural injections as a treatment for low back pain. Have you ever wondered what that involves or whether it may be the right treatment for you?Continue reading →
Injuries to Look For After a Car AccidentAug 28, 2022You may wonder why you need to “look for” injuries. After a car accident, injuries are obvious, right? Not always.Continue reading →
Why Does My Hip Hurt?Aug 26, 2022The pain you feel in your hip could come from any part of the joint, or the cause of your pain may not even be in your hip. You can experience hip pain as a result of conditions in other parts of your body.Continue reading →
Who Can Benefit From A Nerve Block?Aug 26, 2022Anyone suffering from pain can get much-needed relief from a nerve block. Nerve blocks can target any nerve in your body, precisely treating the root cause of your pain.Continue reading →
10 Foods to Help Beat Rheumatoid Arthritis InflammationFeb 12, 2022The most troubling symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis — pain, stiffness, and swelling — stem from the same source: inflammation. What to do? Part of the answer may involve your diet.Continue reading →
The 5 Best Foods & Nutrients to Eat More of for a Healthy Immune SystemFeb 12, 2022The much-dreaded cold and flu season is upon us. With the added threat of COVID-19, it’s more important than ever to keep your body’s natural defenses strong.Continue reading →
Trigger Point Injections: How Can They Help With FibromyalgiaNov 19, 2020What Are Trigger Points? Trigger points are involuntary tight tender spots in a contracted muscle. This creates pain and dysfunction within the muscle.Continue reading →
8 Great Tips To Improve Short-Term MemoryNov 17, 2020What is short-term memory? The seat of memory lies in a region of the brain known as the hippocampus, part of the diverse limbic system.Continue reading →
Pain Relieving Benefits Of Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum Procumbens)Nov 15, 2020Devil’s Claw (Harpagophytum procumbens) Native to southern Africa, gets its name from the tiny hooks that cover its fruit. Historically, devil’s claw has been used to treat pain, liver and kidney problems, fever, and malaria.Continue reading →
5 Natural Alternatives To PainkillersNov 13, 2020When you experience chronic pain, you may try just about any remedy that will lessen the debilitating physical pain.Continue reading →
11 Proven Health Benefits of GingerOct 13, 2020Ginger is a flowering plant that originated in Southeast Asia. It’s among the healthiest (and most delicious) spices on the planet.Continue reading →
Anti-Inflammatory Herbs With The Power To Relieve Inflammation And Pain Caused By Inflammation.Jun 18, 2020Arnica Traditionally Arnica is used as a poultice to treat sprains, bruises and wounds and low fevers and paralytic conditions. It is the most wonderful remedy, trusted through the ages and has been of great benefit to many people.Continue reading →
Is There A Link With Sleeping Position And Your Joint Pain?Jun 02, 2020What is the connection between sleep and pain? To consider the connection, it’s important to understand that complaints around sleep, by some estimates, are present in upwards of 88% of chronic pain conditions.Continue reading →
What’s The Best Natural Treatment For Osteoporosis?Jun 02, 20201 – Try a vitamin D supplement Vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium, which keeps bones strong and healthy. In the event of a vitamin D deficiency, the body is less able to absorb calcium, leading to symptoms such as depression, aching joints...Continue reading →
Can Arthritis Of The Neck Lead To Dizziness?Jun 02, 2020What could be the potential culprit in a case like this? Osteoarthritis is a common companion as one begins to age, affecting more Canadians than every other form of arthritis combined.Continue reading →
What Are The Effects Of Cracking Joints?Jun 02, 2020What is this cracking? While many refer to it as cracking your joints, this is more formally known as crepitus. A cracking or popping that occurs with movement in a joint due to the presence of air in joint tissues.Continue reading →
A Runner’s Guide To Hip Pain: Symptoms, Causes & TreatmentMay 28, 2020What causes hip pain? One of the most common causes of hip pain is overuse. This is especially common in runners, Kostyukovsky explains, since it’s a repetitive, high-impact movement.Continue reading →
5 Type of Foods to Boost Your Immune SystemMar 21, 2020Certain foods may be helpful for boosting the immune system and preventing colds and the flu. Here’s a look at five types of nutrients that your immune system needs to perform and which foods to find them in.Continue reading →
What is Spinal Cord Stimulation?Mar 10, 2020Spinal Cord Stimulation Spinal cord stimulation patients use an implanted device to send electrical signals to the spinal cord in order to provide pain relief.Continue reading →
What is Radiofrequency Neuroablation?Mar 10, 2020Radiofrequency Neuroablation Radiofrequency neuroablation, also known as, radiofrequency neurotomy is a procedure used to treat pain symptoms in patients with chronic pain when other less invasive treatment options such as medication...Continue reading →
Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation TherapyJan 17, 2020WHAT IS IT? Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation therapy is the use of a low-voltage electric current to relieve pain symptoms. It is done with a battery operated TENS device.Continue reading →
What Does An Epidural Steroid Injection Do For Neck Pain?Jan 17, 2020Neck Pain Neck pain is a common issue that impacts physical, social, and mental aspects of an individual. Over 30% of adults in the US are affected by neck pain each year. Neck pain can lead to headaches, depression, low back pain,...Continue reading →
Foods to Avoid with FibromyalgiaJan 08, 2020A sensitivity to pain is a well-known common symptom of fibromyalgia. Many symptoms can be made worse with a poor diet.Continue reading →
Cold or Heat For Injuries?Sep 10, 2019Ice Treatment Ice is most commonly used for acute injuries. If you have had a recent injury with swelling, you should be using ice. Ice packs can help minimize swelling around the injury along with reducing muscle spasm and pain.Continue reading →
Chronic Pain & Mental HealthSep 10, 2019How Chronic Pain Affects Mental Health Chronic pain can interfere with your daily life, along with keeping you from doing things you want and need to do. It can take a toll on your self-esteem and make you feel angry, depressed, anxious, and frustrated.Continue reading →
Tumeric for ArthritisAug 01, 2019Curcuma longa, Curcuma domestica Origin: A yellow-colored powder ground from the root of the turmeric plant. The turmeric plant grows in India and Indonesia and is related to the ginger family (it is a common ingredient in curries).Continue reading →
Top Foods That Fight InflammationJul 30, 2019One of the most powerful tools to combat inflammation comes not from the pharmacy, but from the grocery store. “Many experimental studies have shown that components of foods or beverages may have anti-inflammatory benefits,” says Dr. Frank Hu,...Continue reading →
2019 Phoenix Top Pain Management Doctors – Apex Pain SpecialistsJun 17, 2019Apex Pain Specialists | Chandler, Arizona Apex Pain Specialists has been recognized by Phoenix Magazine as a 2019 TOP DOCTOR.Continue reading →
Exercise & Chronic PainMay 09, 20194 reasons why exercise helps relieve chronic pain: Exercise is probably going to be part of your treatment plan for your chronic back pain. More often than not, resorting to bedrest can make the symptoms of back pain worse.Continue reading →
6 Treatment Options for Managing Chronic Pain.May 03, 2019Fortunately there are many treatment options for pain management that does not required the use of pain medications. Below is a list of common options that you will find Apex Pain Specialists recommending for their patients.Continue reading →